System Booster
System Booster.iso
Cataloger V2.71
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Text File
269 lines
; $VER: Install Cataloger V2.0 (19.01.1996)
; This Install-script contains to Cataloger V2.x ©1995/96 by Axel Deising ;
(if (= (exists "Env:Language") 1)
; GetEnv reports "String too long" if the variable doesn't exist! :(
(set @language (getenv "language"))
; English Installation
(set default-lang 1)
(set #bad-kick
"You must have AmigaOS Release 3.0 or newer to use Cataloger."
(set #welcome
"\n\n\nWelcome to the Cataloger installation.\n\n"
" Cataloger ©1996 Axel Deising."
(set #install-parts "Please select the parts you wish to install")
(set #item-Cataloger "Cataloger")
(set #item-Cataloger-guide "Cataloger.guide")
(set #item-locale "Translations")
(set #where-Cataloger
"Please select the Directory you would like Cataloger to \n"
"be installed?\n(A directory will be created)."
(set #which-language "Which languages should be installed?")
(set #copy "Copying %s to %s...")
; Deutsche Installation
(if (= @language "deutsch")
(set default-lang 2)
(set #bad-kick
"Tut mir Leid!\n"
"Aber Sie müßen AmigaOS Release 3.0 oder neur haben für Cataloger."
(set #welcome
"\n\n\nWillkommen zu der Installation von Cataloger.\n\n"
"Cataloger ©1995/96 Axel Deising."
(set #install-parts "Wählen Sie bitte die Teile, die Sie installieren wollen.")
(set #item-Cataloger "Cataloger")
(set #item-Cataloger-guide "Cataloger.guide")
(set #item-locale "Kataloge")
(set #where-Cataloger
"Wählen Sie bitte das Directory für Cataloger.\n"
"(Ein Verzeichnis wird erstellt)"
(set #which-language "Welche Sprache sollen installiert werden?")
(set #copy "Kopiere %s nach %s...")
; the installaion script
(set @default-dest "")
; Check Kickstart version. Exit if not at least 3.0
(if (< (/ (getversion) 65536) 39)
(abort #bad-kick)
(message #welcome)
(set install-files
(prompt #install-parts)
(help @askoptions-help)
(default 7)
(if (IN install-files 0)
(set Cataloger-dest
(prompt #where-Cataloger)
(help @askdir-help)
(default "WORK:")
(set Cataloger-dest (tackon Cataloger-dest "Cataloger"))
(if ( < (exists Cataloger-dest (noreq)) 2)
(makedir Cataloger-dest (prompt "Creating Cataloger Directory...")
(help @makedir-help)
(set Cataloger-dest2 (tackon Cataloger-dest "Catalogs"))
(if ( < (exists Cataloger-dest2 (noreq)) 2)
(makedir Cataloger-dest2 (prompt "Creating Cataloger Directory...")
(help @makedir-help)
(prompt "Copy Aminet 9 - Index ?" )
(source "Catalogs/Aminet 9")
(dest Cataloger-dest2)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(prompt "Copy Whole Aminet - Description ?" )
(source "Catalogs/Whole Aminet.dcr")
(dest Cataloger-dest2)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(if (IN install-files 1)
(set guide-dest Cataloger-dest)
(set languages 0)
(if (IN install-files 2)
(set lang
(prompt #which-language)
(help @askoptions-help)
(default default-lang)
; And now do the actual installation
(complete 0)
(if (IN install-files 0)
(prompt (#copy "Cataloger" Cataloger-dest))
(source "Cataloger")
(dest Cataloger-dest)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(prompt (#copy "Cataloger.prg" Cataloger-dest))
(source "Cat.prefs")
(dest Cataloger-dest)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(prompt (#copy "Packer kopieren ?" Cataloger-dest))
(source "Cat.packer")
(dest Cataloger-dest)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(complete 33)
(if (IN install-files 1)
(prompt (#copy "Cataloger.guide" guide-dest))
(source "Cataloger.guide")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(dest guide-dest)
(complete 66)
(if (IN install-files 2)
(set n 0)
(set language
(select n
(if (AND (IN lang n) (<> 0 n))
(set catalog
; (tackon "Catalogs"
(tackon language "Cataloger.catalog")
; )
(set destination (tackon "Locale:Catalogs" language))
(prompt (#copy catalog destination))
(source catalog)
(dest destination)
(set n (+ n 1))
(complete 100)